
Matrix Element files generated by the madflow script need an input phase-space in order to provide results.

madflow --madgraph_process "g g > t t~" -o gg_to_ttb --dry_run

The previous line will generate the relevant python files inside the gg_to_ttb directory, among them matrix_1_gg_ttx which includes the matrix element Matrix_1_gg_ttx.

The matrix element accepts phase space points with shape (n_events, n_particles, 4) and will return as many weights as events are passed to it.

import numpy as np
from matrix_1_gg_ttx import Matrix_1_gg_ttx

# Instantiate the matrix element
matrix = Matrix_1_gg_ttx()
# Create a valid (fake) phase space point
p_raw = np.array([ [3500, 0, 0, 3500], [3500, 0, 0, -3500] ]*2)
p = p_raw.reshape(1, 4, 4)
# Call the matrix element with the right masses and couplings
me_wgt = matrix.smatrix(p, 173.0, 1.5, [-1.21 + 0j], [-1.21j])

Phase-Space generator

For convenience, madflow offers a PhaseSpaceGenerator class which can generate phase space points using different algorithms (for now only RAMBO).

In order ton instantiate a phase-space object the number of particles, the center of mass energies and the mass of the final state objects must be given. Furthermore, it is possible to ask for the phase-space to be provided in the center of mass frame (com_output=True) or in the laboratory frame (com_output=False).

The phase-space object also provides methods to apply cuts to the final state particles.

import numpy as np
from madflow.phasespace import PhaseSpaceGenerator

# Generate an instance of the phase space
phasespace = PhaseSpaceGenerator(4, 7e3, [173.0, 173.0], com_output=False)

# Register a cut for particle 3 (0-index) of pt > 10 GeV and pt < 520 GeV
phasespace.register_cut("pt", particle=3, min_val=10, max_val=520)

# Generate ten phase space points
xrand = np.random.rand(10, (4-2)*4+2)
all_ps, wts, x1, x2, idx = phasespace(xrand)

The return quantities are as follows:

all_ps: tensor of shape (nevents, nparticles, 4), phase space points wts: tensor of shape (nevents,) weight of each event. x1 and x2: parton fraction of the incoming momenta idx: index of the valid phase space points

Note that the number of output phase-space events provided might not be equal to the number of phase-space point requested as not all events might pass the cuts. The idx variable contain the corresponding index of the events that passed all cuts.

Provided Algorithms

Different algorithms can be utilized using the keyword algorithm:


Vectorized form of the well known RAMBO algorithm. It is a plain phase-space that does not take into account the topology of the processes being integrated, however it can provide valid phase-space points for any number of particles which make it suitable for debugging and development.